Monday, November 26, 2012

Story of one relationship

It begun one evening, when I read Facebook status. It said: "Would anyone take a dog for temporary care?" I don't know what was it that moved me, but I started texting, calling, organizing and within few hours I was picking you at some petrol station.

You were a real personality already and looked twice bigger than it seemed from pictures. You looked pretty self confident and tried to escape the moment I opened the car's door. I'll never forgive myself that I left you home alone the first evening. But I guess you punished me by picking my pillow to be your bed and by making a pee next morning just in front of the elevator while neighbours were watching. 
I always felt it was you who was walking me. As every rational male you barked at the dogs which scared you and never came when I called. You were also very male to all the female - just a few sniffs, a bit of tail wiggling and bye-bye, let's move to the next one.
You were great. Strong personality, choosy and moody. It was temporary between us for a few months. I was showing you to warious people interested in adoption, you always embarassed us both by making a poo in the middle of a flower-bad. Then there was the time for the final decision and I just couldn't let you go. You stayed and I thought it was for ever. 

But we had only few months before you left. Forever. During one month when you were sick I understood how are people able to commit their whole life to some one thing like science. If scientists are as into their researches as I was into searching all the possible sources to find out how to help you, I utterly understand them. There is nothing you want but to finally solve it. It was one month of hope, despair, tears and your patience. Despite all the tubes around you, all the pain and suffering you never produced a sound. One day you just passed away and since that time I feel tears each time a see the rainbow. 

This is a farewell I should have written a long long time ago. So it's not even a farewell anymore. It's more of a tribute. 


  1. I love the drawings! Specially the "dog in the bed" one!
    Simple and well characterized...

  2. lovely drawings, touching post. I know this. I decided to finally put down my own dog-friend on the same day you wrote this post. she was too sick. and I miss her so much.
